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Pattern type Overshot
Finished Dimentions 13" x 17"
Warp Yarn "Orlon" Acrylic 8/2 (3360 yd / lb) size Marine 915
Ends per Inch (E.P.I.) Reed 10 dents, 2 threads per dents = 20 threads
Width in Reed 14¾" (294 threads)
Weft Bralon 4 ply (840 yd lb) Peach 946
Tabby Yarn "Orlon Acrylic 8/2 (3360 yd / lb) Marine 915
P.P.I. 13, plus the tabby one
Weaving In the the treadling where more than one pick or thread is needed to make the pattern, there is a numerical indication: 1, 3 or 4 (always use tabby thread)
Finishing Fringe 1"
Woven by François Brassard
Maurice Brassard & Fils Inc
Note The BRALON 4 ply is a yarn produced exclusively by Maurice Brassard & Fils Inc. It is 100% "Orlon" Acrylic (4 ply of 8 / 2 ) available in 35 beautiful colors.

"Orlon" Acrylic yarn is soft, bright, shiny, strong, machine washable and stainproof.Fringes produced with this yarn will stay lovely year after year through many washings. It is the perfect yarn for placemats, tablecloths & serviettes. It comes in 16/2, 8/2, Bralon 4 ply, Bralon 8 ply and Boucle and all in 35 colors. COLOR CHART

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For any problems, please contact François Brassard

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