Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 22:02:01 EDT

From: cy...

Subject: Re: WEAVEBIRD/progress report

So I went into a big weaving slump after Midwest. I got all that loverly painted roving that I just had to spin, didn't I. <gg>

At any rate the poor WeaveBird sat in a hot, humid Illinois basement for mumble, mumble weeks. When I got back to it, it was not happy. The solenoids were dragging their feet like tired 2 year olds. BUT the Practice Effect works! After about an hour of steady weaving everything was working just like new.

A lot of you have been talking about the need for air assists for treadling. This is one problem the WeaveBird will never have. I wound up with a design which lifted 15 shafts vs 1 shaft. It felt just as easy as lifting 1 shaft or lifting 8. It's those counter weights on the business end of the castle. A plus is every so often they hit each other and sound like chimes.

I'm still having computerphobia, but if I'd weave normal designs instead of trying to get letters to show up in my weaving I'd have a lot easier time of it.

And I do love my weavebird--no connection, just happy weaver.

Cy...  IL